Air quality facts

How does air pollution harm our health?
Where does air pollution come from?
What are the most commmon air pollutants?
What is the air quality like in my area?

How does air pollution harm our health?

When we breathe in polluted air, tiny particles and gases enter our lungs. These particles pass from our lungs into our blood stream and can have a detrimental effect on our health.

Air pollution has been linked to diseases like asthma, stroke and cancer. The World Health Organization has concluded that there is no safe minimum level of exposure to air pollution. 

Breathing polluted air is especially dangerous for
   - children
   - pregnant women
   - elderly people 
   - people with pre-existing health conditions

Where does air pollution come from? 

The biggest sources of air pollution in Ireland are solid fuel burning and traffic emissions.

Solid fuel burning 

Particulate matter PM
Burning solid fuels such as turf, coal, briquettes or wood produce harmful smoke. 

If you can, move to cleaner heating sources to protect you health.

Traffic emissions

Nitrogen dioxide NO2
Petrol and diesel engines cause dangerous pollution in traffic and when idling the engine.

It pollutes the air outside and inside our cars.

What are the most common air pollutants?


Particulate matter


Nitrogen dioxide


Sulphur dioxide



What is the air quality like in my area?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) monitors live air quality in Ireland using sensors located across the country. The information is used to create a forecast and an Air Quality Index for Health.

This data is available to view on